
Free Open Source Climate Data Management System

Welcome to Climsoft

What is Climsoft?

Climsoft is a software suite for storing climatic data in a secure and flexible manner and for extracting useful information from the data. Climsoft is a free open-source project, licensed under GPL3. It is widely used by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of developing countries.

What can Climsoft do for me?

Climsoft, Climate Data Management System (CDMS) is designed for organisations who wish to store historical climatic data in computerised form. These data can be used to produce summary reports, maps or diagrams or subsets of the data can be extracted for further processing.

Climate information is essential for many purposes; disaster risk reduction, food security planning, infrastructure and transport management, water supply and sewerage, public health surveillance, sustainable urban development, biodiversity and ecosystem sustainability, etc.

A well-managed climate database is a national "public good" asset, and this is a key responsibility of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of every Country.

Capabilities of Climsoft CDMS Version 4, that make it suitable for use in many National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) are:

  • Scalability - Climsoft can be implemented in a standalone Windows computer at the observatory as well as in a server at NMHS headquarters. It allows connectivity between the observatories and the remote database server thereby enabling data digitization right from the source. It works very well in a multi-user environment allowing many users to access the centralized climate database concurrently for different operations;
  • Ingestion of data from Automatic Weather Station (AWS) - Climsoft automatically ingests data from Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) on real time basis thereby making those observations available for all purposes from weather forecasting to long-term climate impacts;
  • Message encoding and Forwarding to WMO Information System (WIS) - Climsoft encodes observations into weather messages according the WMO standards of Table Driven Code Forms (TDCF). It is capable of forwarding those encoded messages to the WIS global network;
  • Management of images of paper records (paper archives) in support of Data Rescue - Images of paper records can be stored and retrieved to facilitate immediate checking of keyed data against the handwritten observation sheets. The I-DARE portal provides advice;
  • Climate Products and Services - Climsoft produces standard WMO climate products from the archived and quality controlled data. It also exports data in formats ready for use by statistical packages and many climate applications including RCLIMDEX, CPT, GEOCLIM, R-INSTAT and ENACTS;
  • Linkage to R-Instat software - Climsoft interrogate very well with R-Instat general statistical package to produce variety of climate summaries and reports (including wind rose, time series plots, trend analysis graphs, Climate Normals,calculations of the start/ends of rain, length of the season, spell length (dry/wet), Data Inventory graphs, spatial distribution maps, Examine trend and quantify the evidence of climate change (global warming), rainfall variability, etc.)

Climsoft Code Sprint Workshop, Kitale,Kenya,October 2019

What is the future of Climsoft?

At the WMO Commission for Climatology meeting in May 2018, WMO decided to implement a strategy for development of a free open-source Climate Data Management System and inviting Members of WMO to participate. This "OpenCDMS" is expected to bring together the best techniques from existing CDMS, including Climsoft.

What can I do for Climsoft?

Climsoft software development is managed through the GiHub repository. If you wish to participate in the development, please send us an email at Climsoft support desk

Join our community

Climsoft is open-source software, which means that it is free for everyone to use and anyone can contribute to it. We encourage everyone to become a part of our community and help develop Climsoft!

Climsoft Training and Technical support

The Climsoft user community website has been implemented and provides Climsoft users' with the latest Climsoft software versions and updates. This platform provides as well comprehensive documentation on Climsoft (User's Manual and Guides, Tutorials and Videos, Case studies, etc.) and a forum to share experiences and ask assistance on specific features of Climsoft. For any technical support or help please contact the Climsoft support desk

Climsoft Training Workshop, Maputo, Mozambique, March 2019

Joint Climsoft and R-Instat Training Workshop,Kigali,Rwanda,October 2018

Joint Climsoft and R-Instat Training Workshop,Windhoek,Namibia,Nov 2021

Climsoft Training for Stations Managers Gaborone,Botswana,May 2022

Joint Climsoft and R-Instat Training for Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) Data Managers,Nairobi,Kenya,May 2022

Regional Training workshop for National Agrometeorological Database Managers on Climsoft,Niamey,Niger,16-20 May 2022

Joint R-Instat and Climsoft Training for Meteorological Service Department (MSD),Harare,Zimbawe,20-08 July 2022

Joint R-Instat and Climsoft Training,Kinshasa,D.R.Congo,08-26 August 2022

Climsoft Training workshop,Seychelles,03-14 October 2022

Joint Data Rescue and Climsoft Training,Djibouti,07 - 18 Nov 2022

Joint Data Rescue and Climsoft training,Mbabane,Eswatini,14-25 Nov 2022

Joint Data Rescue and Climsoft Training,Kampala,Uganda,21-02 Dec 2022

Joint Data Rescue and Climsoft Training,Lusaka,Zambia,28-09 Dec 2022

Climsoft Training at INMG,Cape Verde, April 2023

Joint Climsoft and R-Instat Training at IGEBU,Gitega, Burundi, 25-13 Oct 2023

Climsoft Training Workshop at EMI,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia,17-28 June 2024

Useful Links and Resources:

  • Climsoft Software and Documentation
  • Climsoft GitHub Development Platform
  • Climsoft version 4 rollout status in Countries
  • R-Instat,Data Analysis Software
  • Climsoft Brochure
  • Climsoft Users Stories